3 Copywriting Tricks That Make Your Ad Copy Shine

An excellent ad copy can be the deciding factor if your ad will be profitable or not. It doesn’t matter if you’ve advertised to the right audience. If you don’t entice them, they won’t buy from you. So how can you assure that your ad copy makes your offer irresistible? Stay tuned to find out.

Tip #1 – Ask Questions

In the beginning, your objective is to get the attention of your target audience. And do you know what the best way to do it is? It’s by asking questions from them.

That’s because when you ask a question, you’re making your potential client think of an answer for it, which keeps them engaged to continue reading what you have to say.

But make sure of two things.

  • It needs to be a simple yes/no question. You don’t want to ask too tricky questions, or your audience loses interest.
  • It needs to be relevant to your audience’s desires and fears. If they’re not, they won’t bother to continue reading.

Tip #2 – Include Power Words

Do you know a way of spicing your ad copy up? It’s by adding words that inflict powerful emotions. These emotions can be anything from excitement to fear.

So, what type of words should you include? There are many of them, but here are a few of them:

  • Astonishing
  • Dangerous
  • Epic
  • Overnight
  • Secret

If you’re looking for more, google “power words for copywriting,” and you’ll find hundreds.

Tip #3 – Always add a CTA

This is a tip that you have to tattoo on your brain. Always. Add. A CTA.

It doesn’t matter how invested you got them; if you don’t tell them their next step, they won’t do it. Instead, your potential clients will scroll down and find something else interesting. So never forget that.


So here’s what your ad needs to do:

  • It needs to ask questions to grab attention
  • Include power words to make them invested
  • And a CTA to tell them what to do next.

Once your ad copy has these, you’ll be guaranteed to get better results. Also, if you want to make sure your copy converts, you have to give Kuvio a try. You can learn more here!